This is a hybrid event, with limited in-person capacity. In-person attendance will be confirmed considering the logistics and diversity factors. By submitting this form you are officially registered for the International Summer School on Underground Hydrogen Storage and agree to pay the registration fee once your registration is confirmed. The organizing committee will get in contact with you to provide you with the corresponding payment option.
If you have selected "online" participation, the link for payment will be sent to you shortly. However, if you have indicated in-person participation, once your place is confirmed, you will receive an in-person payment link. Note that if we cannot place you for in-person participation, your registration will be automatically transferred to an online participation.
The fees for in-person participants include snacks/drinks, lunch and dinner. Accommodation and travel plans should be organized by the participants themselves independently. The fees are:
After registration online, if you need financial support to attend the school please contact Maartje Boon ( with a brief motivation letter and a short CV by 1 April 2023.The fees are non-refundable.We will review all applications, and confirm them by email. Once your application is confirmed, you will receive an email with the registration payment link. And when the payment is made, your registration is considered confirmed.